Thursday, May 17, 2012

Final Blog Items

Final Items for the blog:

All of the painting exercises (the 30 minute ones)
Day 1: Dry Media
Day 2: Detail Painting - Helmet
Day 3: Color Wheel
Day 4: Master Artist Style Study
Day 5: Patterns  & Textures
Day 6: Painting from Light
Day 7: Perspective
Day 8: Image Hose
Day 9: Scripting
Day 10: Calligraphy
Day 11: Comic Inking
Day 12: Comic Coloring
Day 13: Photo Retouching
Day 15: Animation
Figure Poses
Final Project

Also, be prepared to critique each other's work. Everyone needs to say 3 improvements needed and 2 descriptions of things done well for each others work. Since there's no test, this is pretty much it so it's a good part of the grade for the final project.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3rd! IMAGE HOSE

Today we did our painting exercise with a skull, reviewed web resources and scanned in items to turn into nozzles for the image hose in painter.

For Thursday you need to prepare thoroughly to start and finish a painting in class while recording it with scripts. This prep includes thumbnail sketches, think about what colors you'll use, emphasis, balance, and all the other elements and principles of design. This should be something that you are passionate about, and your effort should be evident.

Any questions, email me!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pattern, texture and cloning…and then next week.

After finishing up pattern and texture along with some cloning in Painter, I think it's obvious that everyone will like Photoshop's cloner much more when we get to it. 

So for next Tuesday, we're getting ready to observe light and paint from a black surface. Bring your web resource and if you have any questions between now and then, don't hesitate to email me or post on here!

Spend some time drawing!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week of March 20th

Tuesday we worked on studying up some master artists and mimicking their styles/techniques. For Thursday, be sure to look at a few others that you found and take notes on how they used elements and principles of design…think especially hard at pattern and texture.

Think of where you see patterns…jot down at least 10 patterns that you see on your way home.

Have your blogs updated with the 4 lessons we've completed so far. Type up a short description and analyze each one concerning elements and principles.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Color Theory

Alright, today we covered the rest of the color theory that we had started on Tuesday. From there we went over scanning procedures and a few quick tips on opening/placing items in Painter, along with a review of shortcuts and hotkeys, and finishing up with using the selection tools and edit>free transforming.

Definitely get on there and use the site for color selection, whether it's for what matching sweater and collar you're getting your Chihuahua or for your next huge masterpiece…it's cool stuff.

And finally, remember to WORK BIG…get the composition done, then go in and start getting things in place and adding detail. Here's a couple decent examples of this in time lapse.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tuesday March 8th

Web Resource
$10 for print coupon
8 1/2x11"Sketchbook
Flash Drive

Send an email to instructor

Monday, February 20, 2012

Final Project

Remember the final project needs to be completed by the beginning of class on Monday Feb 27th.

This means all material and visuals will be presented once we start class. Be ready to hand in your typed parts of your project.

Breakdown below:
50 pts - Presentation of Completed Project
          10 pts - Complete
          25 pts - Composition 
          15 pts - Presentation/Explaination
50 pts - Printed Material
           10 pts - A brief written description of what it will look like/what it's about
           10 pts - Why it’s going to be your best piece you’ve ever done
           10 pts - Why it’s important to you or how it relates to your personality
           10 pts - 3 Main Colors
           10 pts - Principles of design
                        Balance, Emphasis, Movement, Pattern, Repetition, Proportion, Rhythm
           10 pts - 5 thumbnail sketches (scan in and print out)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Final Project information: The first two are due on Monday

Choose a final project that uses something that we’ve learned so far and plan what and how you are going to make it the coolest thing you’ve ever done so far.

- Handwritten summary/notes of what your final project is, to include:
           1 - A brief written description of what it will look like
           2 - Why it’s going to be your best piece you’ve ever done
           3 - Why it’s important to you or how it relates to your personality
           4 - 3 Colors that you intend to use
           5 - List out and describe how you will use the principles of design in your work
                        Balance, Emphasis, Movement, Pattern, Repetition, Proportion, Rhythm
           6 - 5 thumbnail sketches (about 2 inch by 3 inch) of how your piece will look

Any questions email me!

Monday, February 6, 2012

For Wednesday Feb 8th

We'll be doing animation in Painter! Bring in 12 small thumbnail sketches of a sequence of images making something move. You can do all of this in one page of your sketchbook and we'll scan them in and paste each one into a frame to animate. Here's a couple of examples:

Any questions let me know!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Alright, getting our inking done, we're moving on to coloring.

Whether using selections and gradients or just going at it with a brush and blender, create a layer underneath the ink layer and create your base colors. From there, start adding your highlights section by section. Be sure to determine a light source in your head so there is consistency throughout the composition.

Any questions let me know!

Finish these up for Monday! 


Jim Lee's inks, Alex Sinclair's colors in Batman. Notice that some of the ink is even lightened to make the foremost figure most prominent. Click on the image to visit the page about the work.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monday Jan 30th

Monday Jan 30th: 
Comic Book Inking
- Prepare to make a crisp inking from a sketch that you will turn into a completed black and white drawing.

- One complete drawing of a subject matter of your choice -
      - Must include a figure, objects or buildings, and perspective.
- Bring in a web resource that has tips on creating comic style drawings

Here's an example of going from pencil to ink in some work by Jim Lee:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

For Monday - January 23rd

Web Resources
Photoshop and Painter Photo Touch Up
Bring in 3 photographs that are damaged, have color issues, scratches, old, torn, etc.

For Wednesday - Jan 25th

Find 5 diverse examples of calligraphy and recreate them in your sketchbook. Bring everything into class.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Homework Holla.

Reminder: No Class on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day. Enjoy the day!

Everybody needs to get drawing! We've got a week til our next meet, so get out your sketchbooks.

Due Wednesday January 18, 2012 are:
Web Resources
Take Home Quiz #1
3 pages of sketch ideas for the scripting exercise we'll do

Scripting is recording actions in a given program. Any video that shows the process of a drawing probably used scripting…so you'll want to have a plan when you come in…this is completing a drawing in one sitting while the script is recording.