Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pattern, texture and cloning…and then next week.

After finishing up pattern and texture along with some cloning in Painter, I think it's obvious that everyone will like Photoshop's cloner much more when we get to it. 

So for next Tuesday, we're getting ready to observe light and paint from a black surface. Bring your web resource and if you have any questions between now and then, don't hesitate to email me or post on here!

Spend some time drawing!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week of March 20th

Tuesday we worked on studying up some master artists and mimicking their styles/techniques. For Thursday, be sure to look at a few others that you found and take notes on how they used elements and principles of design…think especially hard at pattern and texture.

Think of where you see patterns…jot down at least 10 patterns that you see on your way home.

Have your blogs updated with the 4 lessons we've completed so far. Type up a short description and analyze each one concerning elements and principles.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Color Theory

Alright, today we covered the rest of the color theory that we had started on Tuesday. From there we went over scanning procedures and a few quick tips on opening/placing items in Painter, along with a review of shortcuts and hotkeys, and finishing up with using the selection tools and edit>free transforming.

Definitely get on there and use the site for color selection, whether it's for what matching sweater and collar you're getting your Chihuahua or for your next huge masterpiece…it's cool stuff.

And finally, remember to WORK BIG…get the composition done, then go in and start getting things in place and adding detail. Here's a couple decent examples of this in time lapse.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tuesday March 8th

Web Resource
$10 for print coupon
8 1/2x11"Sketchbook
Flash Drive

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